Article How To Not Explain Pictures

Article How To Not Explain Pictures
Müürileht, 26.11.2013
Piret Karro

This article is a response to another review of the theater piece OH MY GOD in Von Krahl theater (Karl Saks, Tanel Rander, Hendrik Kaljujärv) which claimed the piece to be boring and confusing.
In the article, I praise the new genre of theater now emerging in Estonian theater scene called the physical theater, and challenge the audience to not interpret OMG by verbal means, but instead receive it as a pure physical experience.
Instead of trying to find certain themes or subjects the piece might be addressing, I choose to let myself be carried only by the universal and archaic patterns, impulses, movement of tension the actors on stage convey. I would love to see theater heading towards the physical more boldly.

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