Performance Apartment

Urban Festival UIT
Tartu, Estonia
Duration 9 hours
Piret Karro, Kristino Rav, Raul Taremaa, Karl Edgar Tammi

This performance functioned in the liminal state of several transitions:
place/non-place, performance/non-performance, public/private.

The performance took place in the city periphery in an expensive apartment for sale that no one had inhabited before and that did not have any furniture nor interior decor. This futuristic apartment building was a single 7-story building in the middle of a river meadow.

The 9-hour performance was divided into four stages, giving every performer 135 minutes to indulge in the domestic routine of 1) preparing food; 2) reading; 3) practicing bass guitar in a leisurely manner, and 4) carrying through a personal cleaning ritual. This gave the public the uncanny effect of stepping into someone’s home where they were welcomed as guests.

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